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Have you been experiencing brain fog, confusion, and symptoms associated with anxiety or depression? If you resonate with these things, it is important for you to know that you are not alone. Psychological and emotional distress is quickly rising in our society today, particularly with the recent covid pandemic and subsequent measures.
Fortunately, you can regain clarity of mind through the neurofeedback brain training system. Amid your daily hustle of raising a family, working, maintaining a social life, getting an education, and many other things, it can be normal to feel overwhelmed. However, you can equip your brain with the resilience and adaptability it needs to maintain clarity and focus on what is important.
In this article, we’ll be discussing how neurofeedback can support you to improve your mental clarity. Keep reading our article to learn more about this topic!
Let’s start with what clarity actually looks like. The opposite of foggy thinking is Mental Clarity. When we’re focused and free of distractions, we’re able to accomplish things much easier and be in the present moment. With a clear mind, we don’t fret about what could go wrong because those thoughts don’t have time to run rampant.
NeurOptimal® Neurofeedback System
NeurOptimal® Neurofeedback sessions are much like a gym workout for your body but in this case your brain. Strengthening your mental muscle is one of the keys to feeling positive, bouncing back from adversity and having clarity of mind. NeurOptimal® Brain Training involves the use of Non-linear Dynamical Neurofeedback technology to support your brain to perform better. Neurofeedback training involves Electroencephalography (EEG) to track brain activity and offer real-time feedback via interrupts in the music whilst observing visuals. This inturn supports your brain to come back to the present where your brain can better self-regulate and optimise.
The advantage of this form of Neurofeedback is that it works outside of conscious awareness. In fact, did you know that ninety-five per cent of your decisions take place in your subconscious mind? Therefore, working with NeurOptimal means no conscious effort on your part and you get to sit back and relax! Check out this link for how it works.

How Do You Achieve Clarity of Mind Through Neurofeedback?
Neurofeedback is all about supporting self-regulation. It can help you maintain a more positive outlook and make better decisions. How is this possible? You can achieve results such as relaxation, calmness and focus which often means symptoms associated with stress are better managed and in some cases drop away. Often when people train with NeurOptimal® they notice a reduction in Duration, Intensity and Frequency across a range of challenges. This means your brain has the space to live in the present which increases clarity.
People report noticeable improvements within several sessions, some even sooner. The best thing is that it doesn’t stop there. You can continue with neurofeedback sessions for as long as you feel necessary.
Take Charge of Your Life!
In a fast-moving world, people are experiencing anxiety, ADD, ADHD and other central nervous system challenges that interfere with their clarity of mind. Improving Clarity of Mind can go a long way to living a rewarding life. Providing NeurOptimal® services, Neurofeedback Australia can support you. NeurOptimal® is a training tool and does not diagnose, treat, mitigate, prevent or cure any disease.
Please call us today at Neurofeedback Australia on 0438 710 015 for more information or leave an enquiry.